I know you've been through a lot lately, but you gotta remember: YOU'VE FREAKIN' GOT THIS! 💪🏽
...Sorry if I startled you -- just wanted to drop that little 💜 bomb to remind you of how capable and epic you are!
But even the most bada$$ people need a little help sometimes -- myself included, which is why I practice this 1 minute life changing breath work at least once a day:
Close your eyes
Exhale fully
Inhale FULLY through your nose & hold for a second or two
Take one more sip of air while you sit up very all and think about stretching your lungs
Exhale FULLY through your mouth audibly with a sigh or sound of your choice
Repeat this 2 more times starting with your nose inhale
And voila! Watch your mind, your mood & your day shift in the best way 💫
Remember that movement is also incredible medicine!
Keep it movin' with MyMovementality's new releases HERE.
You can also catch a number of upcoming free live classes HERE.
Stay golden!