Let’s have a heart to heart about that thing that’s been holding you back 🤬💔😩

I’m talking about self-doubt.
Its impact can range from making you second guess that you locked the car when you’ve just walked 14 blocks to get to your destination, to crippling your ability to progress in life.
It’s like a built in safety feature that should have been recalled cause it FKN BLOWS!

I’m a recovering self-doubter myself, and the single thing I can attribute my transformation to is….
...DRUMROLL please….

That may sound cray, especially because I’m a professional dancer, but let me explain…
Movement teaches you to let go, to trust your process, let your creativity run wild and it expands your ability to express yourself.
When you create a simple practice for yourself involving free form movement, you learn to let your judgement take the backseat and your creativity take the wheel.
Aside from the fact that movement has an astounding impact on your confidence and self image, it offers the most effective relief from stress and anxiety.
Plus, I’ve never ended a movement session with anything less than a smile on my face 😬

That’s because dancing stimulates the release of chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. The Greater Good Science Center‘s article on these chemicals released through dance explains that they are responsible for inducing positive emotions, like happiness, pleasure, and even love.
You may have also heard these called “happy hormones” - and for good reason! They minimize feelings of pain and unpleasantness, and create an overall positive outlook in an individual.
Can you say HELLLO HAPPINESS! 👋😄

This practice I’m talking about leaves you with the most incredible feeling, but don’t just take my word for it...You need to experience it to believe it.
So join me, in this guided practice to un-stick yourself and unleash your joy so you can take control of your day and get on with the epic life you envision for yourself!
Leave a comment and let me know how you feel afterwards!
And remember - transformation doesn’t always happen immediately. Consistency is key. As always, be patient with yourself.
You’re doing super duper! Keep it up 🦸🏻