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MyMovementality Hip Hop Cardio Dance Fit


How To Permanently Stop Struggle (even if you’re lazy AF) 😮

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

It can be to get moving sometimes. It can be even harder to stay consistent once you do. We've all been sedentary and fallen off the movement wagon at times, but those days are long gone. I'm going to show you how you can get rid of them for good!

I'm going to show you how to eliminate your struggles and get going, even when you don't want to with 3 steps that are so easy you can basically do them on auto pilot. That means that even when you don't feel like it, these 3 steps will show you the way and you barely have any work to do!

With these 3 steps, you're going to get your booty moving in a way where you SEE and FEEL momentum as well as set yourself up for success so you can actually stick with it and achieve maximum levels of movement progress (and overall badassery)!

Let me first start with what the basis of my success began with and that is...

#1. Planning

I didn't used to be much of a planner, but I've come to find that even just a small amount of planning makes my life exponentially easier and I find I'm able to have more consistency with my movement, therefore I feel more relaxed and happier, not to mention I stay in way better shape!

I recommend planning a week at a time, in advance (or if you're a superstar, your entire month). Whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, doesn't matter. Plan it all! For example, I plan 5 mins of movement every morning to do first thing when I wake up. Then I plan a mid-day break right about the time I know I'm going to want to throw my computer at the wall from all the tech issues I've had to trouble shoot, and lastly I plan one in the evening as a nice little night cap to unwind from a full day. How you do this is entirely up to you though!

The point of planning is that is can't be bothered by thinking about your movement all the time, especially in crucial moments where you don't feel like getting off the couch. But if instead you could just look at your calendar and see the movement you've already planned, you've made it easy for yourself to just do the damn thang!

Action Step 1: Plan your movement

My #2 tip for success is Scheduling.

Schedule that ish! Seriously, the moment I started doing this, my life changed. I ACTUALLY got things done and had more free time to do the things I wanted to be doing (like dancing!)

Regardless of if it's 1 minute of stretching or 1 hour of cardio, schedule it all! That way, when you're feeling unmotivated, you just look to your schedule and you know exactly what to thinking necessary.

Whatever you decide, schedule it and stick to it!

Action Step 2: Schedule your movement

The #3 most important thing you need to do for success is to Reflect.

When you take a minute to check in with yourself and ask yourself how you FEEL regarding your movement, you not only become more in touch with yourself, but you actually build positive reinforcement which fuels you to keep growing.

Action Step 3: Reflect upon your movement

Use these basic steps I shared today to get you started!

And if you'd REALLY like to jump start your momentum, I'm giving you access to MY Movement Journal - my exact plan for consistent drive, a body that thrives, and a LOT more ME TIME...

PS. And if you're still having troubles motivating to do your scheduled stuff, ask yourself these 2 questions:

1) How will I feel after I do this movement? (motivating factor 😇)

2) How will I feel if I break my promise to myself and once again say no to bettering myself like I always say I'm going to do? (reverse psychology motivating factor 😈)

.....And Watch yourself get up off that couch reaaaaal quick 😋

Can't wait for your epic success!

I believe in you!



PS. I hang here a lot, where you can find lots of live classes & extra content as well as here, where you can get extra support. Come hang!

PPS. Find all our hot new releases here >>





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